At Danscentre all children from our youngest Pre-schoolers through to our Advanced level students have been engaging with our eLearning Programme. The results have been outstanding and have seen our students consistently progress in their learning: not only developing physical skills but creativity, self-efficacy and esteem. We have ensured through the delivery model, structure and curriculum that students’ needs are prioritized, enabling them to feel as secure and as connected as they can be to their teachers and peers. Their continued learning is our responsibly and priority and we are continually reflecting and evaluating our processes and practices to ensure we as a school remain as effective as possible.
Although back in March 2020, when the whole country ‘s education system was thrown into the new world of eLearning, there was little research to determine which model of delivery was the most efficient. We are delighted to discover that current research now highlights that our blended model: a combination of both synchronous (Zoom) and asynchronous learning (Digital: google classrooms where recorded classes, tasks and feedback are uploaded) is the most effective model of delivery.
LEFT: ADV F Contemporary Improvisation. Task - stimulus verse from Tam O'Shanter, Robbie Burns,
A blended model helps students’ learning to accelerate, engaging critical thinking and develops autonomy and resilience. Of course, we knew that implicitly!
Without a doubt the blended model of delivery has helped us as teachers to maximise engagement and motivation.
It is not possible to share all development aims, activities and events of this term but see below for two of our main artistic objectives:
1. Provide access to all students to view live or streamed high-quality repertoire from a range of professional dance companies.
Upper Junior and Senior school and their families have been gifted tickets to see:
· Raymonda (Royal Ballet) Grade 7-8
· La fille mal gardeé (Royal Ballet) - Grade 4-6
· Alice in Wonderland (Royal Ballet) - Grade 3
Lower Junior School and infant School and families have been provided with links to see:
· Little Red Riding Hood (Northern Ballet) Pre-School- Grade 2
· Frozen, Staged Musicals UK. Pre-School- Grade 2

LEFT: Chloe Reid (age 8) wrote: Dear Danscentre, Thank you for the opportunity to watch the Alice in Wonderland ballet. There were so many things I loved about it, from the graceful dancers to their costumes and their amazing sets. There is so much that goes into a performance – not just the beautiful dancing.
I noticed the dancers facial and body expressions and was impressed by the way that they could tell a story without even speaking or singing. Watching the show has inspired me to try even harder to become a ballet dancer like them.
BELOW: Ava-Lily (age 11) choreography with the seasons as a stimulus.
2. Provide opportunities for developing creativity, self-expression, efficacy and autonomy through engaging in creative practice, improvisation and choreography.
· Senior and Upper Junior school engaging in creative weekly tasks linked to observed repertoire and/or choreography tasks/opportunities
· Lower Junior Infant School engaging in improvisation and creative tasks as set by their class teachers.
LEFT: Alicja (age 12) choreographing to a 'winter' theme.
We have been astounded and humbled by the extent of engagement. We realise that for our younger students that parental support may have been required and it is credit to all parents involved the degree of learning, enjoyment and accomplishment that we have witnessed over the past term.
RIGHT: Lola (age 9) choreography task inspired by the musical Mary Poppins
We are confident that when we return to the studio, all will be very well equipped with the necessary skills they need to progress and thrive in all that is set before them.
LEFT: James (age 10) performing his creative task involving isolations.
BELOW :Marcus (age 17) performing a section of his choreographic piece.