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End of Term Round Up: Autumn Term

We have had a very busy term and have lots of exciting updates to share! Between Scottish Ballet Associates, exam results and some brilliant guest workshops we hope you enjoy reading what we have been up to! Scroll below to read more about what's been happening at Danscentre this term. We hope you all have a lovely October holidays and can't wait to welcome you back at the end of October for our Christmas term!


Scottish Ballet Associates

Everyone at Danscentre would like to send huge congratulations to Erin Eastaugh, Alessia Abbot, Andrew Maclean and Paige Park on recently gaining places on the Scottish Ballet Associate Programme!

The Associate Programme is a fantastic way of pupils hoping for a career in dance to supplement their local dance training with the opportunity to develop their technique and creativity through varied teaching styles.

Well done guys!


Exam Results

After our very busy exam diet last term, we are so proud of the fantastic RAD and ISTD results that the students achieved! With all pupils being awarded either Distinction or Merit, these brilliant results are a testament to all the hard work that students put in to their weekly classes and demonstrate their ability to show these skills in an exam setting. Completing an exam, whatever the level is a huge achievement and with these great results, everyone should be very proud!


Higher and National 5 Dance

This term we have began with our new National 5 and Higher dance pupils who over the next academic year will undertake the SQA qualifications alongside their school studies. The SAQ dance studies will see pupils develop their knowledge of dance, choreography and team work over the next year before completing both a written and practical exam in 2025. Danscentre is proud to be an SQA accredited centre and has also been able to offer the National Progression Award (NPA) to several groups of eligible students over many years!


Bethany Kingsley - Garner and Cameron Flynn Workshops

This term we have been very lucky at Danscentre to have had two workshops run throughout the school. Firstly, ex- pupil Cameron Flynn lead a fantastic commercial workshop at the end of September. Cameron is currently dancing with Matthew Borne's New Adventures so it was really great having him back at DC teaching the workshop. Our second workshop was lead by the brilliant Bethany Kingsley - Garner. Former principal dancer with the Scottish Ballet, Bethany lead a wonderful ballet workshop and we felt very lucky having her at DC to inspire the pupils. Thank you both!


Adult Classes!

Click the link below to find out about and book into our adult classes! (for ages 18+)


Save the date!

We are so pleased to share our 2025 show dates! Our next senior dance show will take place at HMT from Thursday 5 June until Saturday 7 June 2025.

We would love to hear your suggestions for what our 2025 HMT show could be called! Bring your ideas to class with you or submit them on your class Google Classroom!

Tickets will be on sale soon!


What's On

Autumn Dress Up Week

Our first week back next term (w/c 28 Oct) will be Autumn dress up week! Come dressed up to your classes during the week, we can't wait to see your costumes!

Dansfit Closure

Dansfit will be closed week beginning Monday 23 October, re-opening on Wednesday 30 December.


Term dates

Our Christmas term will run from 28 October until 20 December 2024

Classes will start back after the Christmas break on Monday 6 January 2025




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